On the Rough Road

In December 2015, I followed a set of haiku prompts at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai based on Basho’s travelogue “Oku no Hosomichi”, hosted by Kristjaan Panneman. I’ve compiled my responses along with some new haiku and prose into a collection I call ‘On the Rough Road‘ As I say in the introduction: “Bashō set off … Continue reading On the Rough Road


after the comma sadly nothing *** there in another unmarked grave- another unfinished poem *** mourning- the way the sky brushes a broken wing Linked to Carpe Diem Haiku Kai, where Basho’s journey to the Deep North (Oku no Hosomichi) continues. Crossing the many rapids of he River Kurobe, past fragrant paddy fields, Basho reaches … Continue reading Mourning