Rear-View Mirror

(For the prompt: History will be the judge)

Will she judge us harshly? The girl
reading about us in her textbook?
Will every child killed, every child

maimed, every species lost, every
coast eroded, every weapon, every
pump jack, every gigaton of carbon

emitted be an indictment? And later,
much later, will we morph from history
to evil myth? The race banished from

paradise? The people who dared the
gods? The greed that laid waste to
a land? But history wears all kinds of

spectacles. What do we remember?
How much do we choose to forget?
Forgive? Erase? I think of blue sea

and orange horizon, of red gulmohar
and yellow copper pods dropping
on asphalt like sacred rain, of walking

on crisp mornings between hundred-
year-old trees, of hearing bulbuls and
koels and watching mynahs, their

beaks dipping in and out of the fiery
African tulips. I wonder if the textbook
will also say that for a while, like the

shade inside a poem, like a universe
enjambed, eyes and heart and lips
moving from line to line, till the quiet

at the end of the last word of the last
verse — will it say, for a while, before
the madness, despite the madness,

before the apocalypse, there was also
this? Why is the past always murkier
than it seems in the rear-view mirror?


#Napowrimo #Glopowrimo
#April2024 24/30

20 thoughts on “Rear-View Mirror

  1. What happened in the past was normal in its time, just as what’s happening now is within the boundaries of normal in our time…because what’s normal for humans is not what’s ideal, what humans want.


  2. “But history wears all kinds of spectacles. What do we remember? How much do we choose to forget?” ~~ this line in particular stopped me in my tracks. I sat at my computer pondering for felt like eons ~~ a mighty fine work of art / poem!!!


  3. I like your questions and the creative ways in which you asked them, too. I wonder, will we ever reach beyond the stars or will all traces of humanity be wiped away over several millennium with no girl with text book to reflect.


  4. I saw the blue sea filling with blood. So much insanity is being normalized. Thanks for speaking.


  5. Ah yes, good to reflect also on the beauty, the good things. I am not sure there will be anyone to know our history – but when all’s said and done I am glad to have experienced my (admittedly fortunate) life and this still-beautiful, still-nurturing world.


    1. True. The way we remember history is so skewed. Most of the conquered or oppressed never had any voice, so we just have one narrative in many cases. And that control over the story is still ongoing…. erasure is still happening… but we sent our poems to the moon, so that’s something 🙂

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