See You Tonight

see you tonight, he said,
hyphenating the last word,
biting on the feeble dash,
scattering crumbs of day and dark
into the space between us,
and then he was dropping
sheets of afternoon light from the brink,
entombing us in golden haze,
double locking the doors,
hiding the key from the moon,
there is a way promises
can be kept,
slowly darkness will be forgotten,
dusk will be the creasing of a brow,
and the shadow of a raven’s wing,
the exclamation
of a sun nailed to a high beam,
forever, a speck in its unseeing eye,
the clock, its arms spread awkwardly,
a smile frozen on its four-eighteen face,
and to-night in unequal halves
still swearing a togetherness,
lying in the fragmented dust.

there is a way promises
can be kept.

49 thoughts on “See You Tonight

  1. I love the anticipation and mystery of this poem–was the promise kept or not–to be seen tonight. Such is the unpredictability of love πŸ™‚


  2. to-night “biting on the feeble dash”

    Love, love, love how this image tumbles around in my mind, conjuring up all sorts of possibilities!


  3. to-night in unequal halves
    still swearing a togetherness,
    lying in the fragmented dust.

    I so admire the craft you bring to each poem. The way you set this up in the opening lines is brilliant.


  4. Give me the living sun any day, and let the promises find their own way or not find it. Sorrow and loss is, at the very least, not oblivion. My heart breaks when I must nail something living into wood.


  5. You make the language new! Love this all, very beautiful – and particularly enjoyed the ambiguity of ‘lying’ in last line.


  6. Every time I read your work I am struck anew by the freshness of your imagery–same here–just wonderfully penned


  7. This has such beauty and depth, even sadness in the idea that a promise can be kept but the love can wear off. Lovely writing, very astute, wise.


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