Laundered Light

she makes blackout poems
from news headlines
the way leaves
overcome a storm
and cradle the last raindrops
as they drink the laundered light
the way no night can last long enough
the way no fear is dark enough
to stripe her new rainbow

Quadrille: a 44 word poem
Linked to the Dverse Poets (Prompt: Storm)

49 thoughts on “Laundered Light

  1. Wonderful!!! Especially in these days of in-your-face headlines and violent news….we must continue to see and stripe our own rainbows…find beauty in the midst of storms.


  2. I like the way leaves drink the laundered light. The sky is calm after the storm and the light gets that faint quality. The earth is refreshed and at peace again


  3. Oh, blackout poems – remind me of Magaly! Such a gorgeous portrait of leaves that:
    ‘overcome a storm
    and cradle the last raindrops
    as they drink the laundered light’.

    Liked by 1 person

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