Dream of a River

I don’t know
what I look like in my dreams.
The clear facade I wear
when I’m awake,
disrobes in the silent dark,
to release
an amorphous, formless me,
a vague, pixelated me,
who can run and fall and be afraid,
who can love and cry,
and viciously hate.
Perhaps, I must dream of a mirror
that will return my gaze,
or of a furrowed river
that will reveal my face.
But I cannot stay up
to steer my dreams,
the slumbering I
can’t hear my screams.
So an obscure figure
still consumes the light,
a vacant visage
still floats in the night.

I don’t know
what I look like in my dreams.
But those sightless eyes
have a fairer view,
those soundless sighs
sing far more true.

54 thoughts on “Dream of a River

  1. “an amorphous, formless me,
    a vague, pixelated me,
    who can run and fall and be afraid,
    who can love and cry,
    and viciously hate.”

    a very credible persona of the dream state; i luv those lines for their ethereal quality

    have a good Sunday

    much love…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. WOW! How I love this – and what an original perspective…….I especially love the idea of dreaming a mirror that will reflect your gaze….. the “furrowed river”…..and the sightless eyes that have a fairer view and soundless sighs that sing more true. A really wonderful write!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Don’t worry – the river’s gazing back at you. This is quite comtemplative, Thot.

    However, controlling our own dreams is quite a challenge .

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The thought of what you are looking like in your dream is such an interesting thought, I think we can feel it in our dreams. Love how you contrast the strong images together, like love and hate.. We are built up of such contrasts.


  5. Lots to think about here! Never thought about what I look like in my dreams…now I will. Perhaps in one’s dreams one could make various changes — younger, fitter, taller, shorter, smaller ears, whatever. etc. I do like the idea of a ‘vacant visage’ floating…fits the dreamlike tone.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. An interesting write. Pretty bad when our dreams are better than our reality. Though I imagine that is true for many. But there is nothing real there. Only empty promises, you know.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. an intriguing thought to posit and I like the way you steer the questions and ideas into a dreamy flow – ‘vague, pixelated me’ brilliant line

    Liked by 1 person

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