Rainbow Painter

It was so deep inside the dark that light, wading through the charcoal sea, arrived breathless at its door, too hungry and weak to knock, disintegrating rapidly, fading into the ripple-less night. Every night. And so it stayed buried, feeding on the solitude, on the molten ebony quiet, on its own mind, till it no longer remembered why it had come to be there, why it had come to be.

Again, the light burrowed further into the murk, a shadow of itself. How could it stop when it knew there was still something there, unseen, unrevealed? What if it had life, what if it was life? The universe furrowed its brow, the stars went into a huddle. Hadn’t it been said, that some things, some questions, even some answers were best left alone, to die?

from behind a cloud
the evening sun tries to catch
the rainbow painter



Red Dress

her little fingers were pleating
transparent scarlet paper,
fashioning a skirt
for a one –armed Barbie,
her tongue stuck out,
the hot granite slabs beneath her,
covering the trickle of human refuse
that ran and ran
all day long;

around her the traffic wove
poisonous patterns,
honking staccato overtures
to impossible dreams,
under the blinking lights,
the doll dressed up like a washed out tart
on borrowed time,
holding the plastic figurine,
the child laughed;

until the lady
rolled down a window,
a fiver stuck between her rings,
the toy surprised, arching high
over the debris of urban incontinence,
the money in her tiny palm,
her eyes on the girl
with silver ribbons
who peered from the back seat,
her little nose stuck to the glass,
her red dress falling in scalloped waves;

barefoot on a hot granite stone,
over the waves of the city drain,
the traffic finding impossible
paths around her,
her tongue stuck out,
staring through a rectangle
of transparent glass,
the child laughed.

For Dverse Poets where the prompt asks us to borrow one line from “Burning the Old Year” by Naomi Shihab Nye. I chose the line “transparent scarlet paper”