Act One.

and that scene, over and over: you can be anyone
you like in your own drama, but you choose the

girl spreadeagled on the ground, life slipping
away from her, one truth at a time. Or the one

with wings, hovering above — they look at each
other, with the same eyes, incredulity awash in

fake moonlight, both saying at the same time, “I
know you.” When the curtain drops, there is

silence, or a lone shout, or a nervous whisper, never
the same, never different, and you tell yourself,

that is their drama, they are playing to another
audience. For them, their act may have just begun.



28 thoughts on “Act One.

  1. I really like the sharpness of the imagery here, and how they confront the reader into examining the choices they have made, and where they gave their power away.


    1. Thanks so much, Rommy… That the world is nothing but our own perception is a cultural viewpoint passed down in our mythology, but I’ve struggled with it – in translation to modern living….the trial and error goes on!


  2. this is a brilliantly executed poem. i came back to read it again, to have a look at the imagery and see what else i can find.
    i see the poem as like, a crime has been committed on a person, and the onlookers are relieved that it was not them.


    1. Like how the poem changed direction in your thoughts… I think poetry is made more beautiful as we read from so many different points in space and time! Thanks so much.


  3. Living is always so fluid… Even when it seems like we are living the same day over and over, it only takes a bit of attention to notice that there is always something new–stance, perspective, understanding.

    I really like the narrator’s voice and the piece’s point of view.


  4. Sometimes life’s mirror distorts, i guess that is why the wicked had to ask her mirror, “who is the fairest of them all”

    Happy Sunday



  5. Written like a portrayal of a near death experience, when one looks down upon themselves in a battle with death. Compelling write.


  6. It’s what goes on behind the curtain that can often be most disturbing, not what’s out on stage for all to see.


  7. In Act One we have choices, that’s true, but even in our own dramas there must be complications. I love the juxtaposition of actor and audience, the effect of reactions and the thought that everyone is just playing their role.


  8. I like Valerie Kaur’s realization (“See no Stranger”), looking out into the world with wonder: “That is a part of me I do not know yet.” I like the idea of a mirror, unspoken here. And of course, theatre–always a third party, the watcher, turning action into prisms instead of mirrors. Is it act one? Or the entire play made for only one audience? As a director, I always wanted the action to continue in the heart of audience members as they exited the theatre.


    1. Reality is so much a bespoke perception, in the end. The drama is its own reality and the audience are in their own – worlds may intersect, but briefly and in strange ways, i think!


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