
My Tanka Prose was published in Haibun Today’s December 2017 Journal. Many thanks to the editor, Janet Lynn Davis.

I love the way Haibun and Tanka Prose allow the combination of prose and poetry. My haibun series – Conversations with Marcus -is available on my other blog Phantom Road.


38 thoughts on “Inevitable

  1. I think that haibun gives you double satisfaction especially if you are a story teller. In this way your short story can be supplemented by the briefest of summaries in traditional haiku style pleasing a wider audience. So pleased you got this one in the journal.

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  2. A stunning tanka prose piece … the prose and tanka dovetailing beautifully. I too, love the way that tanka prose allows for poetry and prose, Indeed, I think that it has become a favorite of mine.


  3. Revisiting this, I’m stunned all over again by the beauty of your published piece. The prose is prose-poetry and the verse obliquely related – which is how I think both should be.

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  4. “a quick indrawn breath ” Oh yes! It doesn’t matter whether it is death or other goodbyes, leave taking is always surprise. What patience it takes to watch the dripping into the bowl with a smile!

    Congratulations on the recognition of beauty!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations!

    And my apologies for not participating in the November micropoetry – even though, if I recall correctly, I said I would. I’d have loved to, but November just got far too busy. Others did beautiful things for it, I see. 🙂


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