Micropoetry Month: Nov 2017: #22

Micropoetry MonthI love the Ghazal – it is lyrical, challenging and utterly beautiful when it comes out right. The repeating end word and rhyming word of each couplet define the cadence of the ghazal and direct its mood. No one writes it better in English than Agha Shahid Ali, one of my favourite poets.

Try a ghazal or any other form of micropoetry and share via comments or Mister Linky.
My attempt today references the legendary romance of Prince Salim and Anarkali, a dancer in the court of his father, the great Emperor Akbar.


Briefly, behind harem veils, where the moon wind gently rose,
a prince sought his father’s concubine, a soft, heavenly rose.

The king burned in royal wrath, the denouement broke their hearts,
she was buried alive under the stones, where the Jamuna quickly rose.

You spoke of Salim and Anarkali, intolerable even to fate,
he died as the mighty Jahangir, she lives on, a stately rose.

I remember the sky that night, impossibility fell like rain,
wet skin grew of fatal hope, though new suns cruelly rose.

The climax of human opera, the drama of the unfulfilled,
tragedy stains god and tomb and the death-hued pearly rose.



34 thoughts on “Micropoetry Month: Nov 2017: #22

  1. Wow! “new suns cruelly rose.” The turn on the meaning of rose adds to the beauty of this gazal. I’m breathless and can only say I love it. It is a form I am awkward at, but I will try it tomorrow after Thanksgiving with my folks.


  2. Well I decided to take a risk, not straying from fact asI like to, but as said, not playing safe. I knew venturing into the intricate, beautiful ghazal style you wrote is very challenging both by topic and applicable language register, so went for more direct way. Still a lot to learn, maybe to much to be honest.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a warm memory your poem paints.. beautiful indeed!! Think you’ve woven the couplets together wonderfully… love it! If you want to incorporate the more stringent rules of the form with the same end word for each couplet and the preceding rhyming word in later attempts, you might find it makes it even more lyrical though the more rules broken, the more free flowing poetry gets for sure!!


  3. I really do enjoy the verses with cultural/historic a l/mythical influence or source. In saying that, it is your intricate lexical patterns that yet again bring your poetry alive, giving flair, adventure and emotion.


    1. Thanks so much Hamish, that’s very kind. The legend is very interesting in that the king is know to be a liberal monarch, yet he put her to death, clearly something was not quite right behind harem walls.. something even he could not pardon. What a story it must have been then, if at all it is true and not just myth!!


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