Micropoetry Month: Nov 2017: #15

Micropoetry MonthSome mornings, a random headline catches your eye and spreads itself out in neat lines into a poem…all by itself. Of course, on other days the words just stare back at you while your muse leaves in a huff, banging the door shut behind her.

This one was in response to something that popped up in the news about yet another discovery in outer space.

Share your micropoetry- in any form- using comments or Mister Linky. If a headline inspires you, let it!

they say they discovered something recently, a
planet, a dwarf, a failed star (nomenclature has

to be irrelevant beyond a few thousand light years),
bigger than Jupiter, how colossal is Jupiter, how

mammoth is this galaxy, is there another at the end
of this gargantuan universe. See, the words I have for

‘big’ are only as large as my mind will allow, even
its wonder is constrained by the size of its own

incomprehension, this is the mind, you have to
understand, that keeps its cosmic incredulity, its

moons and meteors and gilt edged heavens in a safely
distant sky so that it can still believe I am significant.



34 thoughts on “Micropoetry Month: Nov 2017: #15

  1. big’ are only as large as my mind will allow…My mind can only comprehend so much – even when someone stands up with marbles, beach balls, baseballs, etc. and does comparisons of planets and stars. Wow.


  2. “the words I have for

    ‘big’ are only as large as my mind will allow, even
    its wonder is constrained ”

    Yes, yes! And look at the space we leave–the vastness in that split stanzas–between awe and expression, between experience and truth. Another poem that truly takes us beyond language. Wow.


  3. Love what you did with ‘meteor showers’…”big’ are only as large as my mind will allow, even / its wonder is constrained by the size of its own / incomprehension,”……How often we forget this making an infinite balloon of our intelligence. Real gems these words are, Rajani. Posted mine too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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