Ocean Of Deference

You come to me on salt crusted knees, your green
eternity throbbing against my cold ephemera

as my vision moults in a reverse alchemy
that corrodes your gold to velvet pitch,

you bring your unending pretensions to
godliness, you question my faith, what will you

be without my perception, how will you measure
your foreverness without my fleeting gaze,

who leaves and who remembers, who bears more
the visceral rub of the changing moon, know that

I am the child of an imploded star, a burst of
causal consciousness, yet you who swallow

rivers and corrupt rain, you who bed the sun
and awaken time, who will wait for you on these

naked shores when I am gone, who will tell you
what your wetness really means?

First Published at Visual Verse: Oct 2017


42 thoughts on “Ocean Of Deference

  1. what will you be without my perception,
    how will you measure your foreverness
    without my fleeting gaze

    Questioning the ocean is a way of getting a confirmation. A clever way of toning down the sentiments so as to treat it as a human!. Nice Thots!



  2. Wow!

    So you think the waters will swallow the land? Perhaps they will die together. 😦

    But I am sure it is true that everything needs its opposite.


    1. That dialogue with the ocean I think was part accepting its immense depth and part challenging the purpose of its existence without a more humble observer. Conflicted at best! Everything does need its opposite to make sense.. absolutely agree Rosemary.


  3. Sensational, as usual, Rajani. “…know that I am the child of an imploded star…” Just beautiful as is your love affair with the indifferent, powerful ocean. Another favorite line; “… you who bed the sun and awaken time…” Perfect!

    PS I have to check out Visual Verse. Those pages are gorgeous!

    Liked by 1 person

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